Surah Ad Duha With Urdu Translation

Surah Ad Duha “Complete” Recited by Muhammad Al Muqit

Surah Ad Duha “Complete” Recited by Imam Feysal

Surah No




Surah Al Duha Info


Name: Surah Al-Duha
Meaning: The Forenoon after Sunrise

Period of Revelation

Surah Al-Duha was revealed in Makkah Consists of 11 Ayat 1 Raku and 93rd chapter of Holy Quran (30th Para).

Few Important Incident in virtues of Surah Al-Duha

We mention some famous incidents related to Surah Al-Duha

1. Narrated to Hazrat Abu Huraira:

Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “Our Allah, the Blessed, the Superior, comes down on the nearest Heaven to us when the last third of the night remains, saying: “Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me so that I may grant him his request? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness so that I may forgive him?”

(Sahih al-Bukhari: 1145)

2. Narrated Anas:

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Whoever said “None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and has in his heart good (faith) equal to the weight of a barley grain will be taken out of Hell. And whoever said: “None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and has in his heart good (faith) equal to the weight of a wheat grain will be taken out of Hell. And whoever said, “None has the right to be worshiped but Allah and has in his heart good (faith) equal to an atom’s weight will be taken out of Hell.

(Sahih al-Bukhari: 44)

3. Hazrat Abdullah bin Amar bin al-As reported that:

Verily the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) recited the words of Allah, the Great and Glorious, that Ibrahim uttered. My Allah! They have led many of humanity astray:” But whoso followeth me, he verily is of me” (al-Quran), and Jesus (PBUH) said:” If thou punisheth them, they are Thy slaves, and if Thou forgiveth them-verily Thou art the Mighty, the Wise” (al-Quran, v 117). Then he raised his hands and said: O Allah, my Ummah, my Ummah, and wept; so Allah the High and the Exalted said: O Gabriel, go to Muhammad (though your Lord knows it fully well) and ask him: What makes thee weep? So Gabriel (peace be upon him) came to him and asked him, and the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) informed him what he had said (though Allah knew it fully well). Upon this, Allah said: O Gabriel, go to Muhammad and say: Verily We will please thee about your Ummah and would not displease thee.

(Sahih Muslim: 202)


This sura broke the silence and assured Hazrat Muhammad that everything would be understood in the future. The image of the morning (al-duha) is the first word in the sura and can be understood as a symbol of Muhammad’s “new day” as the messenger of Allah and also the “dawn” of the new way of life. it will be Islam.

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